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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

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In this activity, we were given the opportunity to attend a three day workshop on writing with students from The American College, Madhurai. 11 of us attended the workshop and came back with many new skills and bonds. On the first day of the workshop we were introduced to out head speaker, Mr. Deepak who is a writer from Abu Dhabi. We were also introduced to many people from the American college. We discussed many things that all ultimately contributed to our own style of writing. We explored nonliterary forms of literature such as songs, and were also given our first prompt, or rather two genres around which we had to form any piece of literature. On the second day, we were given the opportunity to bond with the college students, forming lasting friendships, and were given talks on the importance of language in writing, we were also given our second and final prompt, which was “if you wanted someone 5000 years from now to read your writing, what would It be?” to this we all formed our pieces of work and a few of us told them out loud on the third and final day. On the last day we were given a very interesting piece of work to read before coming to the workshop, “Coq au vin” which we analyzed that day. After which we were given a little activity to have the college students sing a song of our choice and them to give us a song to sing of their choice in their language.

Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

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I hoped to achieve enhanced writing skills and many friendships. I wanted to be able to expand my knowledge on literature and be able to write that kind of literature myself; going hand in hand I wanted to be able to develop my creativity skills as well. A for friendships, I hoped to come out of this workshop more socially engaged and active, and be able to get along with a variety of people easily.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was extremely successful in achieving my goals as ultimately able to write a piece I was proud to share in the Kavithalaya. Being able to write this piece helped me gain confidence in my own writing and ability to formulate my own thoughts into words. I also formed many lasting friendships with the people from the writer’s workshop itself, KIS students as well as American college students. Some of who I am still in contact with. However, I did face many writer blocks while trying to write a piece, I wasn’t able to form a solid foundation off of which I could work myself into building a plausible story. I overcame this by taking inspiration from non-literary pieces such as music videos, speeches, films, etc. Ultimately I ended up taking inspiration from a particular clip in a film called Kairo.


How can you apply what you have learned in other life

This workshop was incredibly impactful to me as a learner and as an individual. I know I’ll be able to apply the many things I learnt to many situations in the future. Such as my creative thinking that will come in handy in about everything such as resumes, CVs and even for my own personal benefit. Whereas my social skills will come in handy while forming new connections and stepping out of my comfort zone.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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