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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

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Through the course of this activity, I learned how to dive and how to take the proper precautions for a dive. This includes the proper breathing technique to use underwater to get oxygen from the tank, how to sign to convert different meanings underwater such as a thumbs up, an ok sign, a thumbs down, etc. all conveying different meanings such as being okay to go further underwater or wanting to go back up. We also learned how to put on the diving gear by ourselves and were given a test run in the beginning to check if our breathing technique underwater is correct or not. 

Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

With this activity, I hoped to gain new skills in terms of diving and swimming. I also hoped to learn new terms and signs that divers use to convey messages to each other. With that, I wanted to experience ocean life for myself and other feelings such as weightlessness and an adrenaline rush.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful, especially in achieving my goals. Not only did I successfully dive underwater, I was also able to communicate with my trainers to convey certain messages like being okay to further down. A difficulty I faced was the physical pain that came with scuba diving, such as the pressure of the water on my ears. I was hoping to go farther down however, due to the pressure and the pain in my ears I was not able to achieve that, however, even though I did not overcome this difficulty, I do not regret coming back up earlier than I intended, mainly due to the fact that I lacked experience and training and going further down might have caused casualties. So, in the future, as I continue to explore this activity more, I hope to achieve a greater depth than this time and learn how to combat the pressure of the water.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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