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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

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In this activity we were required to heavily rely on our knowledge for business and simulate a real life business idea being proposed, as shown in a popular TV show called "Shark Tank", where the "sharks" are essentially venture capitalists who seek businesses worth investing in. Only businesses that show promising growth and a high return on investment are offered capital by the "sharks". The main idea behind tech yes was to simulate this with student led business proposals. In this, all the students formed groups and with our respective groups we first started to come up with a business that could sustain and provide to Kodaikanal, for that we brainstormed problems. Next, after finding a suitable idea, which was to redesign KIS.NET, the official school portal, to make it more suitable and accessible. We then discussed ideas through which our business could earn capital and provide a good return. After all the planning was done, we proposed the idea to the sharks for them to invest in. 

Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

I hoped to get practical experiences through this activity by actually involving myself with constructing a business from scratch as well as figuring out ways in which the business would be profitable. As a business student, I also hoped this would better help me understand comprehensive questions and answer them effectively. 

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

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I do believe I was successful, however, my team and I, once on stage, could not finish the full proposal in time, which disregarded all of our efforts put into the competition. This was a difficulty that could not have been solved in that moment, however moving forwards, all of us now have a lot of guidance and advice on how to effectively convey ideas and proposals in a concise manner.  

How can you apply what you have learned in other life situations? 

This could be very helpful moving forwards as I learnt a lot of important fundamentals and foundational elements that heavily factor into the overall profitability and success of a business. Practically, this has been a very helpful activity as I can use this in the future in developing a business, literally speaking, or even using the skill to persuade. 


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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