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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

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In this activity I created 3 still life drawings, one of which comes in a set of 7 perspective drawings of each component. I started off by drawing any household item or appliance I could find, which resulted in drawing a sink and a wine glass, after which I collected different items and set them up against a backdrop to create one full composition. I explored various different styles of shading such as Cross Hatching, Hatching, Contouring, Smudging, Scribbling, etc. The material I used to create these art works consisted of multiple A3 sized sheets, paper stumps for blending, q-tips, and a range of HB pencils. Unlike the free flowing nature of the spiral artworks, these drawings proved to be more constraining as if there was only one pattern to be followed.


Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

For this project, I hoped to explore new ideas and themes, explore a constrictive yet creative form of art. I hope to start using this art form more often in the future and maybe even start exploring realistic portraits by shading.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful considering my level of expertise in this art form; I am satisfied with the results. From the first time I ever made a still life drawing, I believe I have improved my technique, presentation, drawing, etc over the course of creating these drawings. However, I did face many difficulties, it often got too hard to continue or the drawing of the composition itself was hard to sketch out. All these tiny little aspects of drawing jumbled up and demotivated me quite a lot through the process. However I did overcome this difficulty by watching many youtube tutorials and ensuring myself to trust the process of the artwork.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3





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