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What have been the biggest challenges for you for CAS?

The biggest challenges I faced for CAS include stepping out of my comfort zone to do things or engage in activities I don't normally do. With that, it has also been a big challenge to think of new things to do or think creatively about which activities and experiences I want to do in order to satisfy my own curiosities and expectations as well as look good on my CAS portfolio. 

Have you ensured a balance across the three strands? If not, how will you correct?

I do believe my strands are coherent with each other in the most indirect way possible. One thing each of them have in common with each other is that they all align with my own interests and passion. This particular quality ensures the balance across all three of the strands, i.e creativity, activity, and service.  

What have you learnt from reflection?

The reflections helped me evaluate and analyse my own qualities and limitations which in turn helped me figure out my new course of action when it comes to doing experiences for CAS. The reflections helped me figure out what I'm good at and what needs to be worked upon. 

Can you describe a situation where reflection happened very naturally and easily? Did you have a guided reflection opportunity that was helpful?

I can't say I have, since the reflections indirectly helped me understand my own abilities, however, none of them actively guided me towards completing an activity. 

In what ways have your experiences and CAS project assisted (or are assisting) you in achieving one or more learning outcomes?

They've helped me understand real world problems, how to collaborate with others and work as a team, how to evaluate the scale of your experiences and how to identify my own strengths and weaknesses by self evaluation. 


How will you address the learning outcomes you haven’t achieved yet?

I always try to incorporate as many learning outcomes as I can when I pick a CAS experience and although I do not have a particular learning outcome I have not achieved yet, I do want one CAS experience to incorporate every single learning outcome, and I will do this by evaluating previous experiences and seeing what could be added to them to address the learning outcomes I did not achieve for that particular experience. 

Do you have a highlight experience? Describe what happened.

I love my art related experiences under creativity and the astronomy club, there were about three artistic experiences including spiral artworks, sketches and still life, all three made me grow closer to art after abandoning it for a year, it helped me reconnect and rekindle my love for the subject. Astronomy club helped me learn more about what I aspire to study afterword. I developed a lot of new skills working together as a team and I learnt many concepts that were previously unheard of for me, for example, how to build rocket launchers.

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