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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

In this activity I took two hikes, one called Prakashapuram Loop and another through the forests of a camp/ village called Poondi around the lake. We hiked about 2-3 km for the Prakashapuram Loop and about 4 km for the lake hike. Not only were we engulfed in beautiful views from the top of the hill in Prakashapuram, but also multiple water bison in the lake hike. We went uphill and downhill for both hikes making it a physically daunting experience but worth it as well. The trail for Prakashapuram was mainly uphill, while the trail for the lake was extremely slippery with leeches waiting everywhere.  

Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

With this activity, I hoped to build my stamina and improve my balance. I wanted to become more physically active and take on a challenge I had never attempted before. Improving my cardiovascular health, and giving myself a full-body workout were some of the health achievements I hoped to accomplish through hiking, with that I also wanted to use this as a means to escape my daily routine and unplug from work and responsibilities in school.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful in achieving all my goals. Not only did hiking help me gain 15,000+ steps each, but I also felt fresher and more energized after hiking the trails. The serenity and tranquility of the hikes also helped me escape my daily routine and enjoy the trail with my friends and teachers. One difficulty I faced was maintaining motivation through the hikes, at some points, when the trail was too daunting or demanding, it got hard to keep moving, but I overcame this through my friends' support and relying on my teachers to keep me motivated through the hike. This taught me that it is important to have mental strength while hiking as well, and relying on yourself at time might not be enough and that it is okay to ask others for help and support as well.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3




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