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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

In this activity, my roommate and I designed four different posters to promote our dorm's, Kennedy's, bake sale. We used Canva to create our designs. We also made sure the posters represented our dorm, so we chose color schemes, design elements, fonts, and patterns that matched the dorm's aesthetic and aura. For example, we mainly used pinks and blues while occasionally contrasting colors as well. The elements and patterns we chose represented the dorm's bubbly and free-flowing nature. 

Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

Through this project, I hoped to work on my digital design skills and creativity skills by trying to encapsulate my form's essence through a digital media/ art form. I also hoped to work collaboratively with my roommate to design cohesive and coherent design.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful as I managed to create posters that received very positive feedback from people from my dorm and outside as well saying it does show Kennedy as a dorm and the people inside it. I also believe my roommate and I were successful in communicating our needs and wants when designing the posters so we could design them differently but still have a few common elements to make them cohesive. A difficulty I faced was making each poster individual yet similar. However, I overcame this by making each poster adhere to one color scheme and one characteristic, for example, the blue-to-pink gradient showcases the dorm's bubbly nature whereas the pink poster showcases the dorm's sophisticated yet eccentric nature.  

How can you apply what you have learned in other life

Similar to the skills I gained from being a part of the yearbook team, I believe I can use my own creativity for my own benefit and hobbies. As art has always been a passion, developing on these skills helps me improve as an artist in the long run this is extremely useful. I can also use my development of writing skills while writing very important documents such as CVs, resumes, etc.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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