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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

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I participated in a thrilling activity called zip-lining located in Poondi, a camp that is about an hour or two away from KIS. In this activity, we trekked about a mile or two into the forest to a zip line base. The activity itself is straightforward, we were harnessed and pushed off the structure for the zip line. However, we were also tasked with delivering the harnesses and other equipment back and forth for other riders as well, meaning, we trekked the path several times to get the used equipment to the base for others to use. 


Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

With this activity, I hoped to conquer my fear of heights and coordinate with my teammates for the most effective approach to supplying the equipment back and forth from the base of the zip line to the end of it. I also hoped to gain an adventurous experience and enjoy the nature and greenery around me.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful, especially in overcoming my fear of heights. At first, I was consumed with terror and doubts about the harness not working or falling off the base, but all of those fears evaporated once I started to glide through the nature that surrounded me. I also believe I was successful in supplying the equipment efficiently with the help of my classmates, we took turns going back and forth with the equipment. As one person was done with the harness, one of us would go trek and give it back to base while the other waited for another person to be done to do the same step. With teamwork, we were able to go back and forth and have all 50+ students complete at least one round of zip-lining in a very short period of time. 


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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