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Summarize what you did in this activity/project:

For yearbook, the team designs and forms the yearbook for each year with varying themes, styles, occasions, etc. Since I joined yearbook, I have made layouts for, High School Poondi camp, DP years academic class of 2024 template, NHS/ SNHS, and volley ball. I have also written about the importance of religion at KIS, long weekend, movie night, game night as well as activities done during parent week such as NHS Talent show, recital and barbeque night.


Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project?

Through this project I hope to work on both writing and design teams in order to increasing both my comprehension and writing skills as well as graphic design skills required to make a variety of templates following only one theme.

How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I believe I was successful as I have managed to efficiently complete plenty tasks of vast variety requiring different skills. It would often be hard to come up with creative layouts for different occasions however I resolved this problem by taking inspiration from many sources such as pinterest and even took some help from my friends.

How can you apply what you have learned in other life

I believe I can use my own creativity for my own benefit and hobbies. As art as always been a passion, developing on these skills helps me improve as an artist in the long run this is extremely useful. I can also use my development of writing skills while writing very important documents such as CVs, resumes, etc.


Self Graded on a scale of 1 - 3

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